🫱 Rightwards Hand emoji

🫱 meaning - Rightwards Hand

Together with leftwards hand, it makes the handshake emoji. It can represent reaching, helping hand, grabbing, pat, tap or touching.

Copy and paste Rightwards Hand emoji

Copy and paste 🫱 with one click!    
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Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Rightwards Hand emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.

Representations : rightwards hand, hand, right, rightward can be represented by 🫱 emoji.

Combinations with 🫱 Rightwards Hand emoji:

    • 🫱🎤 - Karaoke Superstar Vibes.
    • 🫱🍔 - Foodie Hand Delights.
    • 🫱🌞 - Embracing the Sunny Vibes.
    • 🫱💃 - Dance Party Starter.
    • 🫱☕ - Coffee Addict's Morning Ritual.
    • 🫱🚗 - Road Trip Navigator.
    • 🫱📚 - Book Lover's Best Friend.
    • 🫱🏋️‍♀️ - Fitness Motivation Power.
    • 🫱🎥 - Movie Marathon Controller.
    • 🫱🌿 - Gardening Green Thumb.
    • 🫱🎮 - Gamer's Victory Pose.
    • 🫱💼 - Professional Handshake Prodigy.
    • 🫱🎵 - Grooving to the Beat.
    • 🫱🌸 - Blooming with Floral Grace.
    • 🫱🍦 - Ice Cream Lover's Delight.
    • 🫱📱 - Texting and Tech Savvy.
    • 🫱🏀 - Basketball Player's Signature Move.
    • 🫱🚶‍♀️ - Strolling through Life's Path.
    • 🫱🌳 - Nature's Grasp in Your Hand.
    • 🫱🌅 - Chasing the Golden Sunsets.
    • 🫱🎨 - Artistic Expression Unleashed.
    • 🫱📸 - Capturing Life's Memorable Moments.
    • 🫱🏞️ - Adventurer in Nature's Wonderland.
    • 🫱🏖️ - Beachgoer's Relaxation Pose.
    • 🫱🌆 - Urban Explorer's Journey.
    • 🫱🎧 - Music Enthusiast's Playlist Controller.
    • 🫱🖋️ - Creative Writer's Penmanship.
    • 🫱⚽ - Soccer Player's Winning Gesture.
    • 🫱🌌 - Stargazing Hand in Hand.
    • 🫱🏰 - Castle Tour Guide Pro.
    • 🫱🚴‍♀️ - Cycling Adventure Enthusiast.
    • 🫱🌺 - Embracing Tropical Paradise.
    • 🫱🌄 - Morning Hiker's Sunrise Reach.
    • 🫱🏫 - Lifelong Learner's Academic Pursuit.
    • 🫱🎆 - Fireworks Spectacular Participant.
    • 🫱🌇 - Cityscape Explorer's Viewpoint.
    • 🫱🎹 - Pianist's Melodic Fingers.
    • 🫱⛰️ - Mountain Climber's Summit Celebration.
    • 🫱🌊 - Surfer's Wave Riding Gesture.
    • 🫱🌸🌼 - Floral Wonderland Embrace.

How Rightwards Hand emoji appear on Apple, Google and other platforms?

but currently not supported in Samsung, LG, HTC, Microsoft, Messenger, Mozilla, Emojidex

Rightwards Hand may look different on every device. In the above images you can view how Rightwards Hand emoji appears on different devices. Emoji of Rightwards Hand can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS but not supported in Samsung, LG, HTC, Microsoft, Messenger, Mozilla, Emojidex. Some devices may show a blank box or X instead of Rightwards Hand emoji as every device doesn't support each one of the emoji.

History of Rightwards Hand emoji

This emoji was release under Emoji 14.0 with Unicode 14.0 on September 14, 2021. Rightwards Hand emoji was first rolled out by Google on October 27, 2021 with Android 12L update. Following months saw 🫱 release by Twitter, Apple, WhatsApp, Facebook on March 8, 2022, March 14, 2022, April 19, 2022, April 20, 2022 respectively.

Rightwards Hand in other languages

LanguageShort Name
Spanishhacia la derecha mano, mano, derecha, hacia la derecha
Germanrechte Hand, Hand, rechts, rechts
Frenchmain droite, main, droite, vers la droite
Russianправая рука, рука, вправо, вправо
Italianmano destra, mano, destra, destra
Portuguesemão direita, mão direita, direita

What is the code of Rightwards Hand emoji?

Unicode : U+1FAF1
Hexadecimal HTML Entity:   🫱
Decimal HTML Entity: 🫱

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